
We headed out to the wilds of East Lothian today (well out near Ormiston Hall) to see Chris, Lizzie, Leon and Zoe. It's Chris's birthday tomorrow and we hadn't seen them in a while so we went for a general visit and to drop off a birthday present. On the way we hadto nip into town as the glasses Maddy originally ordered had finally turned up.

When we got out to East lothian Zoe decided that since Maddys glasses were purple they went with her outfit so she had to try them on.

It was between this and a shot of the invalid. We took Bootsy for an emergency appointment at the vet last night. The vet confirmed that nothing was broken as far as he could tell but there was some serious bruising and he was a very lucky cat. He got a painkilling shot and a bottle of painkiller for us to take away. We've also got an appointment for a check-up tomorrow. It's stung us for over eighty quid so far but it's worth it for the peace of mind.

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