
No prizes for guessing where weve been today!

It's middle sons birthday in a day or two, and granddaughter Caitlyn will be 8 next weekend so we have cards and pressies to deliver :-)

Both Olivia and Isabella were good girls today, mostly anyhow ;-) daddy is waiting for MRI results following a scan on his back, which is still causing him problems.

We helped out with their garden and watched the girls whilst laundry and other household stuff was done.

DiL asked me to take some shots of Isabella, as they want a photo of her that they can have transferred to a canvas, which will go up,on their lounge wall, alongside her 3 sisters. I got a few good ones for them to choose from :-)
I can never resist taking shots of Olivia too...she is so photogenic, and now when I say look at grandma, she says "cheese!' This particular image was taken as she was playing with grandad, too cute, but then I am biased I suppose!

Boiler men didn't leave until after 9 last night....alls well, except we now need a new shower in our en suite, as the one we have, is specifically for low pressure, which we no longer have due to the new boiler! So that is going to be changed in a day or two......so despite their best efforts, they will have to come back after all!

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