All in the garden is rosy

Slept a thing about the cooler nights I suppose, but,not impressed with the grey chilly weather we've had today. Just watched the weather on TV and I think we are the only part of the UK that was stuck under my gardening plans were put on hold again!!! This Rose is one of only a few left now, but still looks particularly beautiful especially on a grey day like today!

We had a walk this morning, got the papers, but went back home fairly soon after, as we weren't really suitably dressed, too chilly!

We had tomatoes and egg on toast as a quick lunch just before Emily was dropped off for a few hours, until her dad came to pick her up. She brought a new game with her that a friend had bought her for her birthday, "the game of life"'s actually a really good little game, great learning for children, and we quite enjoyed it too ;-) Grandy won!!

Once Emily had gone, hub washed the car, I did some cleaning around where all our radiators have had their new thermo valves fitted. Then it was dinner........we'd got two avocados so my plan was to have them with prawns as a starter, but sadly hub had mistakenly put them in the spare fridge out in the garage, so they had perished :-( then what to do with my loin of pork? Concocted a chilli plum sauce, sliced the loin into medallions and had it with stir fried wholewheat noodles.
Went down a,and icecream later, maybe!

Hope it gets a bit warmer needs our attention!

Happy new week all :-)

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