
Hi Mishka, my name is Sunny and I am looking after HER and HIM for a while.

I caaaaan't hear you.  The thought transference isn't coming through.  I am so unhappy.  The Uncle Jeff man is looking after me, and I want HIM and HER to come back home.  The Uncle Jeff man is ok, but he doesn't know me very well.  And he won't let me go upstairs.  I want to go and find HIM and HER.  They've got to be here somewhere. and I caaaan't find them. I am bereft.

On the plus side, Ernie is here every day, and we play a lot.  Then I get tired and I go to sleep.  And when I am asleep I don't really miss THEM at all. 

Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

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