Dipping a toe in

Today was my last day with the villa crew and we were meant to be going out but we kept getting sucked into the pool! :)
It was the hottest day so far, 32-34, and the temp is meant to go up again tomorrow.
Finally at around 3pm we decided that if we were going to see something else we'd better go now!
We went to Riberec, where this photo was taken. A town about 1/2hr drive away. We all went.
It was a lovely town and we went into a couple of churches (this one at the top of a hill and housing an art exhibition). They were lovely and cool to walk in to!
We found an little ice cream shop which of course we had to sample their goods. :)
Then it was pretty much heading back to the villa via the train station in Chalis for me, Lou and Sunny and the supermarket for the others.
A fairly normal evening mixed with packing.
Just love it here with the heat! :)

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