
I took this photo from my second train seat of the day. On my way from Aungelem to Paris. I loved how it captured the reflection of the carriage as well as the speed of the passing countryside. I also felt it summed up a lot of today!
So, it was a 6:30am train from Chalis to Aungelem. (Still dark like night, even all the stars were shining brightly!). Then another from Aungelem to Paris along with Phil, Neimph and Eion. We all started off in different carriages but my first class carriage was fairly empty and there was one 'pod' completely empty so we all moved into it. :)
When arriving in Paris, Stuart was waiting to greet us and show us the sights. :) An open top bus tour was in order to take in the sights (particularly for me as I only had today). We stopped of for lunch at a restaurant that Phil knew, back on for another wee bit then off at the Eiffel Tower for a closer look.
I was really wanting a bit of a walk then and Phil wanted the kids to have a sun break and quiet time in order to last late into the evening. So they headed off to their hotel and Stuart, Cathie and I wandered round and found a cafe to enjoy an icecream. :)
Then for me it was picking up the Eurostar to London, and then from there the underground to Paddington and on to Oxford where Sarah met me.
Sad my holiday in a sunny warm country has come to an end, glad I have a nice day with Sarah and Nick to look forward to tomorrow. :)

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