Caxton Gibbet

A mile and a half from Caxton, Cambridgeshire, there exists a replica gibbet, a grim reminder of the history of the place. Gibbeting was the punishment for some capital offences including highway robbery. An iron cage would have hung from the wooden arm of the original gibbet. Here criminals were hung, imprisoned in the cage until they were dead. The head was clamped at the top to prevent tired legs from resting and the person would slowly starve to death, or in the winter succumb to exposure. The body would remain suspended for some time after death as a warning to others. 
Angela Bloom CPRS (Cambridge Paranormal Research Society)

The inn nearby (the original would have been 18th century) catered for viewers of the gibbeting. If this form of punishment should ever be resurrected the viewers could get themselves a McDonald’s hamburger or a little something from the Subway just next door to it. They’d be a “well happy” band of onlookers!

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