Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


.. We went for a guided walk around Wallingford today.
There's a festival on there at the moment called 'Bunkfest', which has the usual festival activities (great music, morris men, food and craft stalls etc..All excellent fun).

We opted for the walk (or 'limp' for some of us) around the town, organised by the Museum. What an interesting walk!
I learned such a lot about the town, whose castle was apparently 'up there' in importance at one time with the likes of the Tower of London and Windsor. Stephen and Matilda fought over the castle, in the Civil War of 1139–53. Matilda held out (go Matilda!) and her son became Henry the second.

Wallingford has a big Agatha Christie connection too, and it was interesting to look around the museum and hear local memories of this (fairly reclusive?) author. Her (second) husband (Sir Max Mallowan) was a prominent British archaeologist.

The above squirrel was posing in the churchyard (next to the castle) which is all that remains of the church of All Hallows. The church itself was demolished in (I think?) 1643 by Royalists.

The squirrel was demolishing something other (nuts?).

As I type, I am enjoying the last light of a very pleasant day, with an equally pleasant little gin and tonic (with elderflower cordial, martini ... and a leaf of fresh mint. Recommended by the nice shoe lady yesterday. I don't know why.. Perhaps I looked as though I needed one?!
Anyhow, I'm passing on the recommendation, though I'm not really a 'gin girl').

Happy Sunday! :-)

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