The Colour of Spring

After yesterdays cloud, today had sun. The Walkers and ME went walking…Well that’s what walkers do and we did. It was a tad cold in Cromwell but I was adequately curled and didn’t notice but everybody had lunch behind a convenient ancient (well old) crumbling wall which was the remaining part of a stable used 100 years ago for chariot horses. I could tell this by a careful sniff analysis.  
Oh Imagine the thunder of hooves and frenzied barking of small curly dogs…right…well apart from that Piano Lady took a pic of me with The Boss’s “Bark Harbor” cap on.

Check it out as an extra. Here

I kinda like it…I think…there was no treat…maybe I don’t like it…but there was a treat later…OK I like it.

The cap came from a pet shop in Maine. (Bar Harbour)

The Boss did a Uhee (u turn) as he spotted this on the way into town and thought it sorta contrasted withy yesterdays Blip nicely.

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