The SS Politican

You may be aware of this vessel which, in 9141, was wrecked off the coast of the Outer Hebrides dropping its load of malt whisky for the locals to plunder? The story was made into a very famous film called "Whisky Galore" which is known the world over.

Well this is the SS Politician. Well it's not, it's a shed in Port Dundas Glasgow. However it does contain the SS Politician and today I saw it and was inside the hull - but they wouldn't let me take a picture. 

The film is being re-made starring Eddie Izzard and Gregor Fisher, both who have been outside my office in the estate for a few weeks now. Hard to spot them though as they travelled the 200 metres from their trailers in the street in blacked out cars. 

The set is amazing and includes a post office and other buildings. 

Quite cool.

EXTRA PHOTO: Film crew vehicles.

Weather: blue sky and sun; t-shirt weather; perfect summer's day; 18 degrees c

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