My entry for today's Mono Monday, Contrast, hosted by B4YUU and Chantler63 today/this month. Many thanks to them both..
I guess quite a few of us think of children's playgrounds as slightly weird places - even a tinge sinister at times. I couldn't go far today, having little time and a newly strained muscle, so I thought I'd go to the playground just below my house to see if I could work out why. Apart from half remembered scary films, I came to the conclusion it had something to do with the equipment and what it was made from. So the contrasts here are between the sweet little angel checking out what it's like to fly and the quite remarkably rusted iron struts, the chains, cages and creepy shadows that have a touch of the torture chamber about them.
These then are my contrasts. I won't labour the idea. I'm sure you can work out details for yourselves if commenting time and interest allow, and I have to go cook supper or I'll be in real trouble!! Then I will be back to catch up on commenting which I know I'm a bit behind with - sorry..
Have a brilliant evening - I bet you deserve one.. xx
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