For Sale

A fairly cloudy day with the odd showers but much calmer :)

Day off work and I spent the morning in bed, much longer than planned!  I'll blame this awful cold.  I finally got up and going and after lunch I headed to Yell for a walk about.  I had planned a big hike but the ground was too wet, I'll have to come back with better footwear next week.  I did manage another walk to Windhouse instead. 
I was meant to go see granny today but didn't want to risk giving her this cold, so it's a relaxing evening ahead, before I have to head to work in the pub. 

We went for a walk up to Windhouse and the place is fairly taken a battering the last few years.  When I was a teenager, the roof was still on and we used to be able to get up the stairs!  This must be one of Shetland's most haunted houses, with plenty of ghost stories.  Legend has it that people were murdered and buried in the walls.  It's a lovely old house, two wings either sides and a big wing on the end.  It's up for sale just now at only £25,000, if I win the lottery, it's mine :)  Taken at Windhouse, Yell.  

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