
By Cigs


**I've been away walking from Milngavie to Fort William; there's a distinct lack of Cigs action between the two centres of population. Lovely scenery, though. So, I've gathered up some gems from the Cigsarchive for your delectation until I return with sore feet to blip some current gems**

This predates any forays of the MPK into Shrubhill; this shot was taken peering over a fence, using a super zoomy lens (I don't do technical, I have technical people for that) to get this white emulsion on red skip rendering of the brand name. Undated, but this was early 2014, so I reckon probably a 2013 effort.

There's a Deli in a similar vein. £1000 each or if you can get the pair the combined value rockets to £10,000.***

***Source: Antiques Roadshow.

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