
By ChrisGroucutt


A MonoMonday theme of 'contrast' has inspired a slightly more abstract blip than is my usual bent. As it happens, I've been playing with a high contrast mono profile on the camera recently which is an interesting way to shoot, almost like the old days when we used to load a monochrome film and 'what you shot is what you got'. So it was an obvious choice to use tonight for the MonoMonday theme.

After shooting a few 'contrasty'* images, Mrs G pointed out there was a beautiful sunset happening over the local skyline, which by itself wasn't going to be super well represented in mono, but the skyline in silhouette actually is quite beautiful and evocative in it's own right, so up it goes :)

For the technical geeks out there, it's not quite straight out of camera. I dipped the clarity a little in post to get that old school developed glow. Just because.

Big thank you to chantler63 for hosting this month's mono challenges!


*And regarding 'contrasty', I genuinely thought I'd made that word up. Turns out it's actually a word. And it also turns out it actually means exactly what I meant it to mean. Funny old wor(l)d.

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