Backstone Footbridge

Thanks for all the best wishes. I'm very touched that so many people are still hanging in there with me. Delays in projects which should have been nicely spaced throughout the year has meant that they are all approaching deadline day at exactly the same time. I have three big pieces of work to deliver right now, and with on-going problems around all of them, there is no respite. In addition to the terrible neglect of my blipfriends here, I've not been able to keep in touch with local friends and family either. If you are reading this, please accept my apologies. I'll be in touch again when all this is over.

It was a beautiful cloudless day but with so much to do I had no choice but to spend most of it at the computer. I was feeling rather sorry for myself when I went for a late afternoon walk. With this kind of scenery less than ten minutes walk from home I was reminded of how privileged my life actually is. I really have no reason for complaint. I need to stop moaning!

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