The Photographer

The rain was the winner today. It turned out to be an even worse day than the forecast suggested. Roam's second team game was called off completely and the first team didn't get enough overs in to force a result. They had to win today to avoid relegation from the top flight but the weather pretty much denied them that last hope of survival going into the final round of matches. In what has a been a good summer it is extraordinary how often the Saturday has been the one poor day of the week. I think I'm actually more fed up than they are tonight.

Steve here had been driving around looking to find some play to shoot for the local paper. Most games had been abandoned so he was happy to find our match limping along between showers. I think this particular lens only gets taken out from the pool for cricket matches. It's quite a beast. I was going to ask him how long it was but that seemed a little too personal a question. I did though ask him how long he'd been doing this kind of work, to which he responded 45 years! He'll have seen a few changes in technology in that time.

The day has been spent doing more clearing out of the house and packing stuff away. It's just possible that when the boys disappear in a few weeks time they won't ever be returning here. That feels very strange to me. I guess it must feel even more strange to them. Fortunately, they have never been ones for collecting stuff so packing their lives away isn't proving too difficult, but going through and chucking out old stuff always puts me in a rather melancholy frame of mind. I guess I won't be alone in feeling that way.

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