Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Incey Wincey Spider

Not one of my more inspired blips but it will have to do for now. Camera club this evening involves a trip away from home so I guess that's when most of the blipping will happen today.
Anyhow, when I went to the kitchen this morning I found that I had an overnight visitor lodging in the sink. Had to use the built in flash, which isn't really the best for close up stuff, but remembered to put a pen into the shot to show you just how big his guy is.
And now for a bit of entertainment. If you want to see what my crazy youngest daughter gave her boyfriend for his 30th birthday present, see if you can follow this link to You Tube. This is what they call fun in Australia.
Will get as much commenting done as possible. If I miss you it's only because of the club trip.

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