Down down, deeper and down..................

This morning J trimmed our conifers, and Bob  helped him. I called them in for a coffee, and J put a  nip of Irish whiskey in Bob's . Well, Bob, is Scottish!  J prefers Irish Bob certainly had a spring in his step when he left. After J had finished, he took down the green beans, and then we went up the tip to get rid of the rubbish. On the way back, I wanted to look for a blip, so J pulled over by the quarry at Stormy Down. I had to climb up a steep bank, and as there were two fences, it was difficult to get the camera lens  through the first wire  fence. I didn't have so many to choose from today, which was a lot easier. You can see that the quarry is very deep and dusty. I have been busy all day ,with chores too mundane to mention. Sigh, it's a woman's lot! Today's menu is ,chargrilled chicken, mushrooms and chips.
See my extra photos, to see how dusty it was. 

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