Indian Summer

The weather today has been lovely - warm and sunny, and because we are near the sea, a comfortable warmth. We went to Newborough Warren, which is at the opposite side of Anglesey to where we are staying, but we had picked it out as a likely day out, and it also came with a recommendation from Knottman. It is a very large area of heathy dune, woodland and beach, and there was no way we were going to get more than a flavour of it. Sadly, we didn't see ant Red Squirrels, but there were lots of birds around and the sunshine also brought out lots of butterflies. We saw a family of Stonechat as we headed out on our walk, although the light was behind them. As we returned to the car, they were still there and the late afternoon light was much better.
Thank you to everyone for their kind comments and tips while we are in darkest Wales. I really will try and catch up when we get home, but in the meantime, the signal really is impossible!

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