Today's Thoughts

By AApple

Shot this really cool photo at a scenic spot on the edge of my university campus.

The sun behind the clouds was so mesmerizing that I wanted to capture the moment. I noticed a person within view. Never before have I photographed a stranger on purpose. Usually I would wait until the person left to take the picture, but I felt compelled to take the picture right then and there. It was a perfect moment. It reminded me of someone taking a breather and enjoying a beautiful view of nature after a long day of hard work. (Because of his hat, I imagined him to be a cowboy. :))


My intention is only to share a photograph that I consider beautiful. If I am breaking any laws, or if this post is in any way disrespectful, please, please, please let me know. I tried doing my own research online. It seems that I am not breaking any laws. I do not mean any disrespect whatsoever. However, I did not ask the man for permission to take his picture. I realize that that is rude. I tried editing the photo to see if his face can be made to be visible, but so far, I can only see his silhouette. 

If someone can clearly see the man's face or recognize him, or if, by chance, you are the man in the picture and you would like your picture to be taken down, please let me know and I will do it immediately. I want to carry out all the proper ethics of a good photographer.

Otherwise, enjoy the photo. :)

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