bucks life

By bucksmiss

Messy room

It was another very relaxed and easy half day catching up on some bits and pieces at work.

I then had a leisurely lunch of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs in Stony, followed by an eye test. For the first time ever, I need reading glasses for computer use and reading though it is a very mild prescription. I ordered these and was pleased to find that my firm will contribute £55 towards them.

Then I hit the gym. I'm not sure if they noticed my weight loss and suspect they did but as I didn't mention it I think they are trained not to comment until the client does. I have a weigh in booked for Friday so can talk about it then. The session was ok. Hard but not too hard and it felt good to get back into it.

I had another early night in my very messy bedroom, yet to be sorted since I emptied my holiday rucksack! I'm so pleased I've taken the telly out of my bedroom, not that I've been awake enough much to get any reading done as yet...

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