bucks life

By bucksmiss

Mono Monday - Sky

Yesterday afternoon, rather than going swimming, after my late lunch and a quick walk round the block, I retired to bed and slept for 3 hours and then emerged to watch Strictly before going back to bed. Not good.

And oh dear. I did not make it into work today despite my good intentions. When I got up I really did not feel I could face it and called in to take a day's leave. I then stayed in bed sleeping until lunchtime.

I emerged and had something to eat, watched a bit of rubbish telly and did a couple of loads of washing, then showered to make myself more human.

I will be going in tomorrow for my usual half day though I am quite worried that I might crumble under any pressure but have got to bite the bullet sometime...

After taking a few photos in the garden, I am not planning anything this evening.

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