Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Tiny Jewel

If you happen to know what this tiny flower is do let me know. We have a small crop of them which have appeared in the grass in the back garden. They are extremely small, about 3mm across. To get this I had to attach the full set of extension rings and get down low. I had intended to shoot 3 or 4 frames at different focus points and them stack them but that sort of stuff will have to wait for another day.
Much of the day was taken up with family discussions regarding my eldest sister who has been in hospital for several weeks. She has been suffering from Lupus for several years which means that her immune system is critically low. It appears that she now has fungal pneumonia. She has been in intensive care for a week and last night they had to perform a tracheotomy in order to allow her to breathe. It's not looking good at all. Don't be at all surprised if you don't hear from me for a day or two.
Extras...... a few shots from our club outing on Tuesday night.

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