Joe's Blips

By joesblips


I'm not sure if Jodie is his name or not but that's what he has tattooed on his neck. An all too familiar sight on the streets of Dublin.
We have about 600 people per night seeking emergency shelter in Dublin alone and not enough spaces for them. We have 2500 students right now scrabbling for accommodation for their first year at college. Many of our young people, including one in my own extended family, are paying good money just to share a small room with one or two others. Sometimes even sharing the same bed.
I wonder where all the refugees are going to go. There has hardly a house been built since 2008. The first wave will be housed in an hotel which has gone bust and is lying dormant but I don't think they are going to be content with that as a long term solution.
To cap it all, Ajai Chopra of the IMF testified yesterday to our committee of inquiry into the financial crash and its aftermath that basically we were screwed by the European financiers when they told us to pay all the bond holders or else. Or else we would receive absolutely no bail out.
I'm looking for sanity but I'm not finding it.

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