Bread? Bread? ...
... Is there bread?
(I think they were disappointed, they hound every passer-by for food).
Our house guests are gone. The laundry is done. Peace reigns :-)
I'm feeling better.
I had a 'visitor stress cold', why does that happen?
(I blame the breakfast stress - it all happens at once; toast, eggs, mushrooms and don't even start me on how many different ways people like their porridge!
And all before you've really had time to come to terms with the day having actually started).
I was in a car showroom today. Massive, glass place, the kind where the chairs of the salespeople are just that tad higher than the ones they direct you to across the desk (AND theirs spin, whilst yours are fixed.
Is that fair?
It would be nice to while away the time with a little spin while they go off and 'see what the manager says').
A Good Thing happened though.
A butterfly appeared and fluttered about. A beautful peacock.
It would never have escaped. (We could hardly find the door ourselves).
I made myself useful and caught it (not as easy as it sounds, those ceilings are high! Why??) and put it outside.
Which felt equally as nice as buying a car.
I'm not a 'car person'.. Obviously I use one (broken bones-willing) but I can't find enthusiasm for one model over another. (They've all got a wheel in each corner).
Anyway, it's blue.
Which is nice.
And the forecast for the wine tonight is red.
So that's nice too.
Happy Friday One and All :-)
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