Outside and Inside

This is the First Congregational Church in Bennington, Vermont. Lucky for us, it was open today. A beautiful old church, alongside a handsome old cemetery.

The most famous person interred here? One of our most well-known poets...Robert Frost. The inscription on his grave reads...Had a Lover's Quarrel With the World. Hmmm???

In Utica, New York this morning they had a tribute to the first responders of the 9-11 tragedy in New York. Teams of firemen in full gear were charging to the top of a building at exactly the time the first plane struck. Very moving. Hard to believe it has been 14 years.

Want another famous person? We ate lunch near a covered bridge in Vermont, a stones throw away from where Norman Rockwell had his art studio. I tried to sniff in some creative genes...but nothing came to me.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157656166100103 Have a look at some firemen, and the bridge.

P.S. Two things struck me about the interior of the church. 1. Look how high the pulpit is. It's way up there. (Does that put the pastor higher to God?) 2. Notice the "box seats." The boxes were on the main floor, and the balcony. In the 3-sided boxes, one entire side had their backs to the minister. Strange. Lisa thought that maybe that side would be for naughty little boys. (I wonder where she gets those thoughts?)

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