
By Tommy0161


A bit of a rest from my pictures. Everything is coming together with the project and, I think, from Monday people will be able to book tours of the places on the site. That's up to the techy guys of which I'm not one. My part in the fun and games is the social media side, getting the message out that the event is actually on. Am I succeeding?

So here are some beautiful wildflowers I found growing on a roundabout in Warrington. Various coloured cornflowers, assorted poppies with some cosmos to come if I've identified the foliage correctly. The bees and other creatures were enjoying the flowers as much as I did, possibly more. It was a buffet lunch for them.

It was good to see this display coming into its own in September at a time when the summer flowers are beginning to look a bit ragged and past their best. This morning I was in Chorlton, putting in my order for spring bulbs for our garden with Pete the guy who sells them on the terrace of the Post Box Cafe. I ordered a lot of tulips for the pots. I've tried them in the garden but they don't like the damp, often winter waterlogged ground that we have. Time to stop rambling and post.

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