Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Not the Arctic #2: Footprints

There will be more photos of the beach. There's very little to Porto Santo, other than the beach and it's a stunning beach. I think it's 7miles long and is made of the softest sand I've ever felt (a mix of finely smushed up coral reef and basalt)

I started each day with a walk along the water's edge. Not living near the sea, I always forget just how life-afirming and good for the soul it is to feel the sand under your bare feet and the water wash over your feet and legs.

There's something amazing about watching the waves break, especially when the water is clear and warm and then feeling the alternate push of the incoming wave against the pull of the outgoing water, all the time with the sun glinting on the surface.

I made it a couple of miles along the beach to a bar at the most westerly point of the island for a beer and some lunch. The sun really came out when I was half way there and by the time I staggered to the bar, I felt like an extra from Ice Cold in Alex.

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