Recently I've Been... Hopelessly Reaching...

Drove the long way to work today.

There should always be time in the day to step outside the box and have time for yourself.

I drove into the town, along the north beach, round the rocks, and along the south beach, up the hill and through the woods. I sat for a while in the woods, and thought about life, love and everything, and especially my kids.

This has been a hectic week, and it's not finished yet. Tomorrow Tooli has to give a speech alongside her co-captain at the Prize Giving in the Church. Traditionally , Si and I have sat upstairs, and I have behaved atrociously; waving at the classes at the opposite side and feigning sleep with the Rector was speaking.

This week, we have to sit in the front row in honour of her position, and I have to behave impeccably throughout. I'm going to struggle I know I will; previous years have been made easier by misbehaving, but now I have to sit like a grown up, and then worst of all, not cry when my baby does her speech. Once the speech is given, that's it. No more school ever.

The only thing we will have to live through after that, is the holiday to Zante. We watched the Inbetweener's Movie in preparation, and I have to say, if she has that much fun..... she won't want to come home!!!

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