Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Guard Dog

Another lovely day (two in a row!) and my Uncle A and I are off on a jaunt to the Borders, which will no doubt include lunch, and possibly a scone or cake at the Flat Cat.

Yesterday on the jam-packed bus I passed by the seat beside a granny with her yelling toddler. Also declined the seat beside a girl on her mobile phone. Had to go right up the very back. I found myself knee to knee with a woman who was putting on her make up.

I had to sit and try not to look at her/see her contorting her features and putting on eyeliner, stopping to sigh in frustration when the bus wobbled and shuddered a bit (in Edinburgh, a LOT) which would have caused a great big black splodge where she didn't want it. Thankfully another seat became vacant and I didn't have to watch the whole show.

"Why didn't you get up five minutes earlier and do it in the privacy (and motionless-ness) of your own home?" I didn't ask her.

Popped round to get some milk from the shop, first checking that the hooligans schoolchildren were confined to barracks, possibly attending the much heralded (and obviously much heeded) Citizenship lessons. Just as well I had my Powershot on my belt. I don't think I'll get a better shot today down in the Borders.

List of annoying things (contd)

People (mainly women) who put on make up in inappropriate public places.

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