
By wsjohnson

"people get ready, there's a train a'comin"

Okay, so like politics and politicians the world over are pretty much the same - yes, even in China and Russia - criticizing and demonizing folk that don't look like them (translation: white Anglo-Saxon) or worship like them (translation: only during election season) and lord knows they seriously want you (and me) to despise those who have the audacity to "question" any and everything they put forth as "right for society" (translation: those who actually think for themselves)


Moving on, today's photo is of a group of students (all different from She and I) encountered and entertained whilst in Birmingham. Fascinating collection of the "best and brightest" from Aston University

Actually, they're from that dreaded and hated place - Iran - Funny, but they don't look that "threatening" to me, what about you?

As to why we were in Birmingham, the Bullring - She must do a bit of shopping (all She does now, a "bit" of shopping)


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