Golden Trumpet

This is one of my fathers breeds of Daffodil and would have been bred from the Daffodil called Kinghorn. A well know daffodil breeder, David Bell named that daffodil after my father. Here are some photos and more about the bulb.

This is called a Trumpet daffodil. How you can tell the difference which is a Cup or Trumpet is with the Petals. If the Trumpet is as long or longer than the Petals it is a Trumpet otherwise its a Cup. There are other classifications as well with cups and this article may help explain more about it.

My father didn't often give a daffodil a name as it cost too much for him. Which is a pity. When he was showing his daffodils he would give them names like this 1YY DB 23. YY would be the yellow for Petals and yellow  Trumpet. DB would be for David Bell and so on.

My day has been full of ups and downs... first I had to go to the Physiotherapist. I hurt my ankle a few weeks ago on the Spin Bike.. silly really as I knew not to try and stand up when it was still spinning. I thought it may have gotten better but no it got worse. I have it strapped up and now it is really aching. When I saw my GP on Friday she said to have it looked at. Physiotherapist said I had pulled a muscle that runs up the side of foot. He did tell me its name but can't remember.

I had my Hydrotherapy this afternoon and it was other small class which great as there is more room to work in. The other things will hopefully resolve themselves!

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