twinned with trumpton


So we were up and out and shopping - essentials like pistachios, bike locks and pedals and tennis shirts.

To fitba training; in the drizzle - me and Zander went hunting for sloes to no avail and came back to find tears - he'd elbowed / shoulder barged someone smaller than him and left him in a bruised heap on the deck.... Oh dear.

And in the afternoon we got Grace and collected her painting we'd she'd bought at Erik Petrie's exhibition - he said he could have sold it a dozen times over, so perhaps it ought to go onto e bay instead of her wall ;)

Then to a Viking afternoon in Leith (Leith and Vikings are synonymous, aren't they?) where we watched skirmishes, made bracelets from wool and were completely ignored by Tom's best mate's mum. Bizarre....

Dropped her home, G to a party and the boys home; then to hers where I did smoked salmon and goats cheese salad with a balsamic / pomegranate reduction dotted over it; tuna with papaya / mango salsa.

I forgot the egg so plum sponge didn't materialise. We chatted and had peace for once.

In around 1130 to sleep; no chance of dreams. Way too tired.

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