
By LadyPride

Football free zone

Knew it was too good to be true. After an initial baby book high, we just encountered another horrific twelve hour period with Audrey in which she just wouldn't settle after each feed. Poor mite got herself so worked up, screaming, red in the face, panting! As for us getting some sleep while this was going on, not a chance.

Apparently she's "over tired" according to the books and our many desperate Google searches on iPhones in the dark. But nothing seems to settle her. At one point after trying to sing to her in the early hours, my husband just looked over at me with these desperate hollowed out eyes and said, "I can't remember any more songs. My mind is blank".
Pretty much summed it up.

Had planned to go for a walk with Kate in Chorlton this morning and nothing went to plan. Plans? Babies? I know, who was I kidding? Audrey woke earlier than her feed so I had to get out the shower to attend to her wails with unrinsed soapy hair. Had no time for my own breakfast.

Alarm bells should have rung when Audrey didn't finish her morning feed. But we set off anyway. BIG mistake! The minute we entered the nature reserve close to where we live, she started howling like a wolf. It was so embarrassing next to my friend's cute, alert 3 month old baby who just sat in his seat bouncing around taking it all in. Had to abort the mission and turn back. Should have taken her unfinished bottle with me, lesson learned for next time.

Kate popped over with some velcro swaddle blankets as had mentioned that Audrey was a 'swaddle terrorist' - she manages to free herself from even the tightest swaddle in some Derren Brown style manoeuvres when my back is turned. Looking forward to seeing how she fares with this new velcro contraption tonight - mwah ha ha!

Am feeling down today but not defeated. Know we just have to keep trying different things.

Tonight we're bringing her evening bath forward and trying to put her in the nursery so at least one of us can sleep in the bedroom while the other feeds/changes. Going to be so hard to sleep away from her and not sure how I'll fare but we'll give it a go!!!

Now am aware for anyone that knows me and is reading this blip/blog that I am now firmly in the baby, baby, baby writing camp! I do apologise. Apparently there's a world out there and other stuff going on and I am looking forward to re-joining in again soon.

On that note, spotted this "Football Free Zone" hoarding outside one of our local pubs. Wonder how positive that has been for trade? They may live to regret that if England does well.

Talking of which, watched my first England Euro game last night. The worst of the three so far I'm told. Even in my sleep-deprived fog I could tell we were not on our A game. Rooney delivered. Suspect he had no choice given the fact that Roy Hodgson rather unhelpfully compared him to Pele in the pre-match interviews and Andy Carroll and Welbeck seem to have managed well without him thus far. He knew what had to be done. Bet he's relieved. He's a good player but Pele? I think not.

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