Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


..On the other side of the camera was a rainbow.
I thought, 'I'll be different'.. Contrary? Edgy?
I wish I hadn't bothered :-)
As you might imagine (please do!) the rainbow was prettier.

There were too many jobs and too little time today.
I managed to squeeze in a trip to the Doc (about the foot).
'Hmm', he said.
'I know', I said (apologetically).
'Well...', he said.
'I know', I said. (In case he hadn't heard me first time).
'Does it still hurt?' (Him).
'There were moments yesterday that it was excruciating', (me).
'Can you bend your toes?' (Him).
'Not as well as I can on the other side'.. (???  Me :-/ obviously).
And then I did that thing that you do when you're embarrassed..
I (euw..) took control.
I said it was all my fault, and it probably wasn't so bad anyway and what did I want him to do about it what could he do about it well nothing really I expected so I thought it might be best if I took myself away and came back maybe for physiotherapy or some other kind of soft tissue investigation if it wasn't showing some good improvement in oo aout two or three weeeks time... Or not?

And he said, bless, 'you're still very bruised; something obviously bled a lot inside, so you haven't wasted my time and do come back if it still hurts in a week or two'.

So we were both right in a way.

Not contrary at all.

No one likes going to the Doc do they?

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