Redcurrant Drink

As the rain lashes down we taste one of the summer drinks. This drink happened by accident.  We needed the space in the freezer for this year’s berries so we took out some of the older boxes and used them in various ways.
When the redcurrants thawed out we were unsure what to do with them. So we experimented.
First we wizzed them in the blender and sieved the resulting mash to get  rid of the seeds.  Now we had a very cloudy juice that we left to settle in the fridge.
After a couple of days a lot of the fruit pulp had settled. We carefully poured the juice into a coffee filter and let it drip through. Even the last bit which seemed mostly fruit pulp gave a very clear juice.
We tasted it and it was SOUR!! We added sugar until it was drinkable and popped it in the fridge because we were off to Crete for a week.
When we returned we mixed it 1 part juice to 3 0r 4 parts sparkling water and it tasted delicious, with the remaining hint of sourness giving it a light fresh taste.
As you can see in the picture the autumn weather in Sweden has turned distinctly stormy.

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