Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Home time!

Up and out early this morning with no dramas, even with it taking P 45 minutes to eat her breakfast!

We dropped her off and in she went happily. A kept saying "P gone school" for at least half an hour afterwards! Me and A then went to music class. It was strange without P and because we have moved down to the 0-2 group. Lots of new faces and new songs to learn. A had a great time. Being with children his own age really helped his confidence.

We walked to pick up P this afternoon and the children were both excited to see each other. They held hands for awhile as we walked and looked really sweet. Not that you can tell by this picture! P was awarded star of the day today at school. She was entrusted with the very important job of returning the register to the office. She was very proud of herself.

It's been a rainy afternoon so we watched Tinkerbell and got the play doh out.

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