Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Off To A Flying Start

I had the morning to myself today. Both kiddies were in nursery and I had 5 hours of me time.....

So after the 8 o'clock drop off I went to do the shopping. Not very exciting but I did treat myself to breakfast. It's no good shopping on an empty stomach! Also nice not having to rush and I could sit and enjoy my fry up whilst reading a magazine.

Once back home I had long hot soak in the bath which was truly wonderful. Then the house work got the better of me. And before I knew it, it was time to pick A up. Darn it.

When I got there at 1 o'clock he was fast asleep. So I said "no worries, I'll pop back home, give me a ring when he wakes up!"

An hour and a half later I went back to nursery to get him. He had had a relatively good morning and he even saw P when they both outside at the same time. She was very pleased to show him off to everyone. Apparently she kept going over to give him kisses.

A few more hours later I went back (again) to nursery to get p. My peace was finally shattered! But nice to hear that she got a sticker for being such a good girl all day.

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