Simply Me

By Suze981

Let's do the splits...

When I was young, a banana split was my favourite dessert. It's what I would order whenever we went to a restaurant. You don't see them around so much these days. They're bloody brilliant though.

I decided to make one, after my fairly boring steamed haddock and mash tea.

It's made of a banana, sliced, Ben & Jerry's Core Berry White ice cream (vanilla and raspberry ice cream with white chocolate chunks and raspberry pieces and truffle sauce) chopped strawberries, Bon Mamon strawberry jam, a splash of cream, crushed minstrels and a couple of regular minstrels. It was awesome. Plus technically healthy, what with the bananas and strawberries and all.

This banana split might not be a masterpiece, or even very pretty. But it's not about precision or attention to detail, it's about FUN. It definitely succeeds on that front!

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