Simply Me

By Suze981

Things that scurry...

You know what this means...

1. I'm a killer
2. I don't care

I was sat on the sofa last night and out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement. Yes another poor field mouse found his way into my flat.

I have a problem. I cannot stand rodent feet. This has made me a mouse killer extraordinaire. I'm aware that I should use humane traps, but I just can't. What would I do with it when it's caught? I couldn't even go near the trap so I figure it'd slowly and painfully die in a humane trap. Better to get it over and done with.

I know Giles will be here in 8 days, but I hardly thought it was fair to expect him to get straight to work catching mice, especially when he's not a great deal bigger than they are! He can get the next one!

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