Resilience Christchurch Style

Tiny Tussock still reporting

So The Boss felt like a fluffy duck today so The Bossess sent him off to the Supermarket to get one. I went too and I have to report it was a very interesting trip as ”The” Supermarket is a new one just built by the Airport and there is a military style adventure course to get to it courtesy of Christchurch and the grand design of constructing a flyover at the entry roundabout.
The local TV station is sure to build a reality game around this as contestants risk dislocation and death as they battle to cross the road carrying battery powered tools without being hit by a truck.  There is a wonderful App that was demo’d on the Apple update rollout called “Crossy Road” which involves chickens. The Boss has promised to get a copy for my (mini) iPhone. Oh and it was made by Ausi’s too. Sorta local?
If you get your App demo’d on an Apple special event (Apple TV) you have arrived I would say.
Oh where was I?…….AH Yes well there was “A” sitting on the bonnet of her “broken into” car with her laptop hot spotting off her phone and surfing the bonnet Errr…web looking happy as…. while she waited to be picked up.
The car was full of broken glass…OK?
So….The Boss wonders….Do you think a Bloke would have done that? 

Declaration of vested interest……I am a GIRL tiny stuffed dog.

And what about the Fluffy Duck you say?
They were out of stock as there was only a paltry demand.


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