I would walk 500 miles......

We're back :-(

Normality/reality resumed in the form of 4 loads of washing and a trip to Asda.

The flight home went quickly, helped by the fact we both managed to sleep a little, despite the plane being freezing! We had 2 blankets each and were still cold.
If I had a choice in future I wouldn't choose American Airlines again.
We had more grumpy stewardesses too. Not a great experience but at least we got home without delay.

We had a few hours sleep when we got home, hopefully we will sleep tonight. I'm back to work in the morning.

Today's blip is of my step counter; you can see how it increases from the 5th September, we certainly did some miles.

Thanks again to everyone who followed our trip and for all the stars and hearts.
I'll start catching up with you all tomorrow :-)j

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