Un arc en ciel…

A day as equally hectic and chaotic as yesterday! First of all I had to do battle with the local council over a letter received today, saying that my late uncle (who died 2 years ago) owed £600. After numerous phone calls, the council admitted that the letter had been sent in error and that the debt had already been written off, phew!

Secondly, I had a visit from the boiler fitter who’d come back to fix the thingymajig that hadn’t been fitted correctly in the first place. All sorted, phew!!

Thirdly, I’ve been fielding emails all day related to some furniture I’m ebaying. The auction ends this evening; my own fault, I should have thought more carefully about the timing… Once it’s all ended this evening, and collection has been arranged, I shall be saying phew!!!

In between all of that, I had a marathon laundry session, where I spotted this rainbow amongst my ironing! Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain!! (You have to use your imagination a bit for Yellow!)

Did I have the time to faff about with this blip? No! Did I still do it in order to put off the dreaded case packing? Yes! Am I totally bonkers?! Don’t answer that!!

Another blip and run, as I still haven’t started on that packing. If I don’t have time to catch up with you this evening, I’ll see you all again in a week’s time!

À bientôt!!

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