Bon Voyage!

No amazing journey for me today, but with invitations received to visit France, hopefully I will be making my own amazing journey one day!

So to Bristol Airport this morning to say Bon Voyage to our twinning French visitors. There was lots of hugging and kissing, and even a few emotional tears. Bordeaux was their destination, with temperatures of 28 degrees!

It wasn't 28 degrees here, but despite a murky start to the day, the afternoon turned out to be warm and sunny. So after a few hectic days, I spent a lazy couple of hours in the garden finishing a book. I always tend to have a dozen or so books on the go at once, but I made a decision at the beginning of September to finish them all off, before starting any new ones! But I'm finding it very hard to resist cracking open yet another book; I have a whole stack stood here tempting me, I just love that smell that you get when you first open a new book!!

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