The aftermath

A monstrous flood sometime overnight at school. Noah floated past at one point! This corridor was an inch deep in water. One of our site staff showed me the video of what he arrived to this morning. It was definitely epic.

Fantastic team effort from everyone, securing the site, making at least part of the building secure that it could be taught in.

The damage is immense.

The site staff did a superb job cleaning the devastation and getting everywhere dried up as best as they could. A lot of stuff still to do, but it's going to be normal running tomorrow for students and staff.

I say normal. There is no such thing in our place and that's what makes it special.

In other news... Arrived home to another letter from the GP. I have H-Pylori on top of everything else. Amoxicillin, metronadizole and omeprazole for a week. No alcohol. I am starting the meds tomorrow because today needed putting to bed with a bucketful of vino tinto!

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