
By SLPlearning

A change is as good as..

...a rest and it's time.

We're understanding the need for some people to control this week and it's interesting, no quite shocking.  Mostly it's about things we know but are surprised to hear out loud.

The first thing we heard about in our session was the core qualities of a controlling person include a lack of trust in others, a need to criticise, a sense of superiority (or arrogance) and a liking for power.

The second part of the session was understanding how a controlling person affects others, e.g. if you always feel childlike around this person, it's a fair bet that this person is seeking to control you and/or the situation. This person may ignore your skills, experiences and rights, preferring to impress their abilities over yours.

The third part of the session said that many a controlling person lacks empathy and is often rather unaware (or uncaring) about the impact of their words and actions on others. This may be a result of insecurity (manifesting as superiority and power) and unhappiness. It could also signal outright arrogance.

I'm hoping it helps us deal with a few people we're working with over the next few weeks.  It has been hard work.

'Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free'
Paul Coelho

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