
By SLPlearning

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Some creative connections tonight - along with a blast from the past.  Isn't it amazing how communication is a human thing - not something to be confused with the hardware that supports it.

I was part of something today that showed people at their best helping out others less fortunate (only slightly though) than themselves. It's easy to forget that lifelong learning is also human experience, from one person to another or from one group to another and maybe what we say about it doesn't reflect that experience.

Let's not pretend, let's not lie to each other like it's become the truth and keep repeating it to make it seem like the new reality-now-that is just too close to the words of Mr Hitler for my liking.

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” 
 Friedrich Nietzsche

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