Back to cold pease & porridge....

One of those days today. A cow to calve at wee brothers first off. Big calf, cow went down in the crush,and the calf born dead.
Dug the combine out from the back of the shed once I had charged up the battery.By the time I had found all the guards and covers that were removed for cleaning last back end,and put them all back on,washed the windows ,filled with diesel,driven it along the road and put the header on it was mid afternoon.
Decided against making a start,as crop still not very dry.
Had to take the posh Land Rover back to Kelso and collect my repaired bog standard one. Still,prefer driving it as not so worried about damaging it.
Got a call on the way home(hands free ! ) that another cow needed calving. Got her in ,then remembered the calving jack was still next door from this morning. A speedy trip over to collect it then tried to calf her. However it was a big calf and the head was twisted back,so called the vet. He ended up doing a caesarean,but the calf is alive for now. Now sitting eating my tea at nearly mid night,so I think that's enough for one day.

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