Get a mooove on...

Dry but not dry enough.
Spent most of the day tagging various batches of calves and shifting them round about.
Last night's caeser cow and calf are both on the mend. The calf was up and in sucking by it's self,which was an unexpected bonus. I presumed it would either be dead or need tubed this morning.
A lorry in for barley ,not at 1pm as promised,but 11am. A minor panic to borrow a kindly neighbour's telescopic to load it,but got there eventually.
Went to check the straw twice today. At 2pm it was starting to rain,by tonight they were back cutting,but straw still too raw.
Had brother on the phone from Australia to see how harvest was going. He says it is spring where he is and only 24C !
Went to do the away from home cattle tonight,and was tormented by the sound of a combine going somewhere. Checked our barley and it was at 20% moisture. You add 1% on for luck once it comes off the combine,so still too wet for us to handle. Mind you if it gets to mid October, 21% will seem like plenty dry enough!
These bulling heifers were telling me to hurry up with the bag of feeding

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