Friday Foto

By drmackem


Opendoor was the usual wildly ranging conversation tonight, more tales of Russian atrocities, Aussie Rules,doctors taking industrial action, Prometheius, The Day of the Triffids, Moral Maze, racism, that time inbetween, Harvery Smith, how long we sleep for, whether discussing how long we sleep for is something that we should disclose in company...

To add to the mildly sureal nature of the evening, driving home I stopped to blip this. Outside of the library has appeared a 5ft cube of stone with the word "immovable" carved into it. This left me with only questions, what's it doing there, is it art, how can it be immovable but arrive here, will it be here for ever now, what will the Gazette make of it?

Being a bit weary and late in the day one question was quickly resolved though - should I blip it?

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